
MSc Digital Humanities graduate now working as Production Support Analyst at an investment bank

Last time we spoke, you were excited to start your role, what have you been up to since?

“It's been great. I learned a lot during the training, including Linux, which I now use every day. I needed the basic knowledge of Linux so that I could build upon it in my role. The training also grew my confidence.

When I joined Wiley Edge, I was flown to London to train with 20 other graduates that I had never met before. Everybody was really nice and I learnt how to open up when in a group which helped me overcome my shyness. I've been using this new confidence since starting my new role with colleagues I’ve never met in person due to the pandemic”

What projects have you been working on?

“There’s been lots of different projects. There are our day to day tasks where we handle alerts, problems and queries and then there are extra projects. It’s mostly programming which is good because I really like programming!

Other projects include updating documentation, improving applications, improving the checks that we do on those applications and migrating databases.”

How would you describe your role to someone who's never heard of production support?

“My main role is to support the applications that the developers create and to make sure that everything runs smoothly. We’re like the babysitters of applications. We make sure that there aren’t any problems or incidents, and when there is, we have to figure out a way to solve it.”

What applications do you maintain?

“One of the main applications we monitor is used for FX trading. The traders use those applications to do trades and orders.

When I first started, it was weird seeing seven-figure numbers in these applications. I was worried that if I pressed the wrong button it would all go wrong! Nowadays, I don't even see those numbers anymore, they’re not important to us. What we focus on is making sure that every trade goes to its destination and that the flow goes smoothly.”

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