The Data Analytics Society at Sheffield Hallam University is focused on promoting, educating, and collaborating in the field of data analytics. It aims to create an inclusive environment for learning, networking, and research. Key objectives include offering workshops, seminars, and training sessions on data analytics tools and best practices, fostering connections between students, faculty, alumni, and industry professionals, organizing data hackathons and competitions, creating mentorship programs for newcomers in data analytics, and engaging in community outreach to promote data literacy. Membership is open to students, staff, and other categories as defined by Sheffield Hallam Students' Union's governance.
The society is managed by an elected committee with various roles and responsibilities, adhering to the constitution and governance of the Students' Union.
The Welcome Party hosted by the Sheffield Hallam University Data Analytics Society on February 7, 2024, at the SHU Student Union was immensely successful, with a complete sell-out of tickets and an impressive turnout. Society President David Wolemonwu and Dr. Vishal Parikh commended the society's swift progress.
The society's commitment to fostering cooperation, networking, and creative thinking was evident in the event's captivating data storytelling workshops, enjoyable games with exciting prizes, and an abundance of food and beverages. This lively event has positively set the stage for society's future endeavours and collaborative projects.
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