
R&D Engineer

Give a description of your position.

I work in the High Frequency Measurement division where I design the drivers for our modular PXIe products.

How does your role Keysight complement your major and what is different about it?

My degree complements my job because it was a degree primarily in object-oriented software design, which is what most of driver design is. What is different is the lack of hardware knowledge that came with my degree; when working with drivers you are working very close to the hardware where having a better understanding of the hardware can be an advantage.

Are there things that you wished you learned or classes you could’ve taken while at University?

Yes and no. No, because at the time I had no clue what direction my degree would take me so from that point in time I think I made the right choice to go out and find a job to find a direction. Yes, because I plan on going back to school for a master’s degree and now that I had a chance to get some real world experience I have a much better idea of what my master’s degree should focus on.

What is your daily life like in your job?

I come in and do my morning maintenance tasks, things like reviewing last night’s regression test results and emails I did not get to the previous day. Then I go to my standup meeting and after that I either work on features I’m trying to develop or put out fires need to be put out.

What is your favourite thing about Keysight?

The people I work with; they are incredibly intelligent and are patient at teaching you when there are gaps of knowledge you need to know.

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