Who We Are

Liberty Global is a world leader in converged broadband, video, and mobile communications services. Our businesses operate under some of the best-known consumer brands, including Virgin Media-O2 in the UK, VodafoneZiggo in The Netherlands, Telenet in Belgium, Sunrise UPC in Switzerland, Virgin Media in Ireland and UPC in Eastern Europe. 

Through our substantial scale and commitment to innovation, we are building Tomorrow’s Connections Today, investing in the infrastructure and platforms that empower our customers to make the most of the digital revolution, while deploying the advanced technologies that nations and economies need to thrive.
We’re committed to improving people’s professional lives too, encouraging our employees to develop their skills, cultivate their leadership credentials and experience diverse areas of our business.
For graduates, we offer a choice of two tailored development programmes. Both are designed to help early careers professionals learn on the job, build up core business skills and technical capabilities, and make an impact in different teams and departments across Europe.   
Join us, on one of our graduate programmes, and you will have the opportunity to fast-track your career with a company that is:

  • Agile: We strive to embrace change, evolve, transform and adapt quickly.
  • Limitless: We are bold, and set new standards in all that we do.
  • Straight Up: We are authentic, transparent and do the right thing for our customers and organisation.
  • United: We respect collaborative relationships and embrace our differences to achieve our goals.

The facts

Hundreds of students have Followed us on Gradcracker.
Our businesses operate under brands including Virgin Media-O2 in the UK and VodafoneZiggo in The Netherlands.
Our proud history of investing in the UK’s digital infrastructure began in 2013, when we acquired Virgin Media.
We’re upgrading to bring next-generation gigabit broadband to our entire UK footprint by the end of 2021 – a pace unmatched by anyone else.
53% of the UK is covered by our network.
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01347 823822 | info@gradcracker.com | Company registration number: 6370348
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