We are delivering against national safety, security and energy needs. In operating, developing, and decommissioning the Sellafield site, we are also delivering the largest environmental restoration project in Europe.
In short, we solve complex nuclear, engineering, and infrastructure challenges for the UK every single day.
In the past, we have been responsible for breakthroughs such as the world’s first full-scale commercial nuclear power station, and today we are helping to keep lights on across the UK by safely receiving and storing spent nuclear fuel from the UK’s fleet of power stations.
Sellafield is the only site in the country that can safely manage all forms of nuclear waste, with our teams finding new ways to ensure it is kept safe until a permanent disposal facility is ready.
We are also guardians of the UK’s largest stockpile of nuclear materials. Our world-class engineers and nuclear professionals tackle these challenges with the same spirit of innovation that has always run through our organisation.
All our activities are driven by a single purpose: to create a clean and safe environment for future generations.
The Sellafield Ltd nuclear graduate scheme is a unique place to grow your career, offering a remarkable blend of role variety, job security, personal growth, professional development, and purposeful work.
This is your opportunity to play a significant part in the UK’s sustainable nuclear future, by creating a clean and safe environment for future generations. This is your chance to tackle some of the biggest challenges in the nuclear, infrastructure and engineering worlds at Sellafield Ltd and as part of the wider NDA Group.
To learn new skills and define your new career while delivering innovative, world-first projects. To be part of an amazing team of people, from all walks of life, and thrive in a connected, considerate culture of innovation, collaboration, and community.
With Sellafield on your CV you’ll be recognised the world over.
Join Us.