
Usability Engineer

Give a description of your position.

I work with developers to create an intuitive user interface (UI) for software applications that matches the user workflow. Initially I begin by creating mockups to help test the UI with individuals who match our target users and get feedback on how to improve the UI. Once the developers code the software I work with end users (typically customers) to get their feedback and we continue to iterate the development/improvement process for the software.

How does your role Keysight complement your major and what is different about it?

I get to work on the development of UIs from a user-centered design perspective. Ideally we try to focus on the iteration and constant improvement of the user experience.

I do not have an electrical engineering background, so there is a learning curve when starting new projects to learn just how the end users interact with the instruments/applications.

What classes were most helpful to you in your job now?

The classes that were most helpful to me were, Usability Engineering, Models of Human-Computer Interaction, and Information Visualisation.

What is your daily life like in your job?

Attend meetings during the morning and review usability issues, compile notes and communicate with other team members on my various projects. During downtime, I like to work on mockups, try to understand user workflows, and prepare materials for future meetings. During testing times, I create a testing schedule and itinerary, prepare scenarios with our various applications and instruments, and perform testing sessions. Following the sessions, I review and compile notes and create feedback reports on the software to give back to the team members.

What is your favourite thing about Keysight?

It is a relaxed work environment, people are willing to help and answer any questions you have.

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