
ASMPT has been growing steadily since 1975. While we enjoy healthy growth, we also continually improve on our operating efficiency and resource stewardship as we strive to build a sustainable future that will create long-lasting value for our business, stakeholders, community and the environment.

We firmly believe that a successful business must be conducted in an environmentally and socially responsible as well as ethical manner, giving back to the communities where it operates. Hence we are committed to ensuring that our employees are protected and respected, our businesses align with ethical standards, our working environment is safe and healthy, and our responsiveness to the needs of the community.


ASMPT is committed to environmental care, pollution prevention and continuous improvements of the environmental performance in all our activities, products and services.

  • Comply with all relevant international and national environmental legislations as well as other requirements to which the company subscribes
  • Continually improve and promote environment-protective activities pertaining to our industry
  • Encourage the conservation of energy and other natural resources
  • Encourage the reduction, reuse and recycling of wastes and pollution prevention
  • Promote environmental awareness and provide appropriate training to all employees on environmental aspects and impacts of our activities, products and services
  • Continually set and review both objectives and targets so as to improve our environmental performance


ASMPT has been actively involved in a number of community fund raising programs through the years and has made significant donations to charitable organisations. For instance, in Hong Kong, we support the Breakthrough “Walk Beyond Adversity” drive, the Sowers Action and Green Power amongst others with cash donations. In addition, we have been participating in Oxfam’s Trailwalker program since 2000, in terms of both financial sponsorship and sending our best teams to support the Trailwalker drive. 


ASMPT upholds and respects human rights. Our commitment to human rights is supported by our Code of Conduct.

No discrimination and harassment

ASMPT prohibits discrimination against any person because of his/her gender, race, age, religion, nationality, marital status, disabilities and/or other aspects. The above also do not constitute the criteria to which decisions on recruitment, salary adjustment, promotion prospects and staff benefits are based upon.

Humane Treatment

Employees are our assets and they are treated with respect and dignity. ASMPT is intolerant to any forced labour. All employment is voluntary. No slavery or human trafficking is allowed. No personnel shall be maltreated or treated inhumanely. Under no circumstances shall harassment, violence, abuse or exploitation in any form be allowed. All welfare and benefits to which employees are entitled shall be safeguard.

Child and Juvenile Labour

ASMPT does not employ any person who is under the minimum age requirement stipulated by local laws and regulations or under the age for completing compulsory education.

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